Module event

Responding to global events.

This module lets you run some code when a global event is triggered:

-- Sound a beep whenever Lua is restarted.
event.bind('core::after-restart', function()
  os.execute('beep -l 4')

Often, however, you won’t use this module directly but instead call the bind function of a widget class (when the event is widget-related). This serves only a stylistic purpose: it makes the syntax of binding events the same as that of binding keys:

ui.Panel.bind('<<load>>', function(pnl)
  devel.log('The ' .. pnl.dir .. ' directory has been read.')

Note that here we wrap the event name in “<<” and “>>” (a syntax borrowed from the Tk toolkit). Otherwise it'd look like a key name to the system.

The above code is equivalent to:

event.bind('Panel::load', function(pnl)
  devel.log('The ' .. pnl.dir .. ' directory has been read.')
-- But please refrain from writing such code. Use ui.Panel.bind() instead.


bind(event_name, fn) Binds a function to some event.
trigger(event_name, ...) Triggers an event.


bind(event_name, fn)
Binds a function to some event.


  • event_name
  • fn While we use <<event-name-in-brackets>> in documentation, the event name doesn’t really have these brackets.
trigger(event_name, ...)
Triggers an event.

While you may use this to simulate a system event, usually you'd find it more useful to trigger your own events:

event.bind('pacman::apple-eaten', function()


(You don’t need to “declare” (or “register”) your events before using them. One drawback, though, is that typos in event names aren’t caught.)

Above we used a “component::detail” syntax for the event name, but that’s not mandatory.


  • event_name
  • ... Optional arguments to pass to bound functions.
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2016-08-23 17:29:40